The third pillar for the world federation
Just as UN member states' leading politicians and heads of state are responsible for the well-being of their country's citizens, they also bear a special responsibility for the future of humanity as a whole. This is precisely the ideal foundation of the United Nation. This is why the nations are united at the UN. Unfortunately, many national leaders have not yet realised this.
Just like state leaders, the leaders of religious communities also have a responsibility towards their believers and the peoples among whom their religion is spread. Since in the vast majority of religions the belief in divine creation in its entirety prevails - regardless of whether it was created by one god or by a multitude of gods - they also bear responsibility for the whole world and thus for humanity as a whole. It would therefore be of great benefit to all if they were to unite in a ‘United Religions Organisation’.This is not about mixing religious beliefs, but about unbiased, tolerant and respectful unity and co-operation in diversity. It should also be possible to speak openly and honestly about serious differences. This is the only way to possibly bridge them. In most cases, they are based on misunderstandings and misinterpretations anyway. There are already interfaith organisations whose goals and projects could easily be integrated into a large ‘United Religions Organisation’.